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MUFFIN is a hybrid assembly and differential binning workflow for metagenomics, transcriptomics and pathway analysis.

If you use MUFFIN in your research, please cite our paper


  1. Introduction
  2. Figure :
  3. Installation :
  4. Test the pipeline
  5. Manual configuration
  6. Usage :
  7. Troubleshooting
  8. Options
  9. Complete help and options
  10. Bibliography
  11. License


MUFFIN aims at being a reproducible pipeline for metagenome assembly of crossed illumina and nanopore reads.

MUFFIN uses the following software

Task Software Version Docker Image version
QC illumina fastp 0.20.0 LINK 0.20.0--78a7c63
QC ont automated way to discard shortest reads
filtlong 0.2.0 LINK v0.2.0--afa175e
metagenomic composition of ont sourmash 2.0.1 LINK 2.0.1--6970ddc
Hybrid assembly Meta-spades 3.13.1 LINK 3.13.1--2c2a4c0
unicycler 0.4.7 LINK 0.4.7-0--c0404e6
Long read assembly MetaFlye 2.7 LINK 2.7--957a1a1
polishing racon 1.4.13 LINK 1.4.13--bb8a908
medaka 1.0.3 LINK 1.0.3--7c62d67
pilon 1.23 LINK 1.23--b21026d
mapping minimap2 2.17 LINK 2.17--caba7af
bwa 0.7.17 LINK 1.23--b21026d
samtools 1.9 LINK 2.17--caba7af
retrieve reads mapped to contig seqtk 1.3 LINK 1.3--dc0d16b
Binning Metabat2 2.13 LINK 2.13--0e2577e
maxbin2 2.2.7 LINK 2.2.7--b643a6b
concoct 1.1.0 LINK 1.1.0--03a3888
metawrap 1.2.2 LINK 1.2.2--de94241
qc binning checkm 1.0.13 LINK 1.0.13--248242f
Taxonomic Classification sourmash using the gt-DataBase 2.0.1 LINK 2.0.1--6970ddc
GTDB version r89
Annotations (bin and RNA) eggNOG 2.0.1 LINK 2.0.1--d5e0c8c
eggNOG DB v5.0
De novo transcript and quantification Trinity 2.9.1 LINK 2.9.1--82fe26c
Salmon 0.15.0 LINK 2.9.1--82fe26c


The Workflow


The parser output



BWA: Li H. and Durbin R. (2009) Fast and accurate short read alignment with Burrows-Wheeler Transform. Bioinformatics, 25:1754-60. [PMID: 19451168]

CheckM: Parks DH, Imelfort M, Skennerton CT, Hugenholtz P, Tyson GW. 2015. CheckM: assessing the quality of microbial genomes recovered from isolates, single cells, and metagenomes. Genome Research, 25: 1043–1055.

Concoct: Johannes Alneberg, Brynjar Smári Bjarnason, Ino de Bruijn, Melanie Schirmer, Joshua Quick, Umer Z Ijaz, Leo Lahti, Nicholas J Loman, Anders F Andersson & Christopher Quince. 2014. Binning metagenomic contigs by coverage and composition. Nature Methods, doi: 10.1038/nmeth.3103

Fastp: Shifu Chen, Yanqing Zhou, Yaru Chen, Jia Gu; fastp: an ultra-fast all-in-one FASTQ preprocessor, Bioinformatics, Volume 34, Issue 17, 1 September 2018, Pages i884–i890,


Flye: Mikhail Kolmogorov, Jeffrey Yuan, Yu Lin and Pavel Pevzner, "Assembly of Long Error-Prone Reads Using Repeat Graphs", Nature Biotechnology, 2019 doi:10.1038/s41587-019-0072-8


Maxbin2: Wu YW, Tang YH, Tringe SG, Simmons BA, and Singer SW, "MaxBin: an automated binning method to recover individual genomes from metagenomes using an expectation-maximization algorithm", Microbiome, 2:26, 2014.


Metabat2: Kang DD, Froula J, Egan R, Wang Z. MetaBAT, an efficient tool for accurately reconstructing single genomes from complex microbial communities. PeerJ 2015;3:e1165. doi:10.7717/peerj.1165

Metawrap: Uritskiy, G.V., DiRuggiero, J. and Taylor, J. (2018). MetaWRAP—a flexible pipeline for genome-resolved metagenomic data analysis. Microbiome, 6(1).

Minimap2: Li, H. (2018). Minimap2: pairwise alignment for nucleotide sequences. Bioinformatics, 34:3094-3100. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bty191

Pilon: Bruce J. Walker, Thomas Abeel, Terrance Shea, Margaret Priest, Amr Abouelliel, Sharadha Sakthikumar, Christina A. Cuomo, Qiandong Zeng, Jennifer Wortman, Sarah K. Young, Ashlee M. Earl (2014) Pilon: An Integrated Tool for Comprehensive Microbial Variant Detection and Genome Assembly Improvement. PLoS ONE 9(11): e112963. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112963

pplacer: Matsen FA, Kodner RB, Armbrust EV. 2010. pplacer: linear time maximum-likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic placement of sequences onto a fixed reference tree. BMC Bioinformatics 11: doi:10.1186/1471-2105-11-538.

prodigal: Hyatt D, Locascio PF, Hauser LJ, Uberbacher EC. 2012. Gene and translation initiation site prediction in metagenomic sequences. Bioinformatics 28: 2223–2230.

Racon: Vaser R, Sovic I, Nagarajan N, Sikic M. 2017. Fast and accurate de novogenome assembly from long uncorrected reads. Genome Res 27:737–746.

Samtools: Li H, Handsaker B, Wysoker A, Fennell T, Ruan J, Homer N, Marth G, Abecasis G, Durbin R, and 1000 Genome Project Data Processing Subgroup, The Sequence alignment/map (SAM) format and SAMtools, Bioinformatics (2009) 25(16) 2078-9 [19505943]


Sourmash: Brown et al, (2016), sourmash: a library for MinHash sketching of DNA, Journal of Open Source Software, 1(5), 27, doi:10.21105/joss.00027

Spades: Lapidus A., Antipov D., Bankevich A., Gurevich A., Korobeynikov A., Nurk S., Prjibelski A., Safonova Y., Vasilinetc I., Pevzner P. A. New Frontiers of Genome Assembly with SPAdes 3.0. (poster), 2014

Unicycler: Wick RR, Judd LM, Gorrie CL, Holt KE (2017) Unicycler: Resolving bacterial genome assemblies from short and long sequencing reads. PLoS Comput Biol 13(6): e1005595.


Code is GPL-3.0


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The Muffin logo has been made by Tanguy Desmarez and is CC BY (Version 4) compliant