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base installation

You need to install nextflow Version 20.07+ ( )

# verify Java version (at least version 8+)
java -version 

# Setup nextflow (it will create a nextflow executable file in the current directory)
curl -s | bash

# If you want the pipeline installed locally use the following
git clone

# If you want to not install the pipeline use the following when running nextflow

nextflow run  RVanDamme/MUFFIN --parameters.....

For conda usage

If you use conda, you don't need extra installations. An error might occur with the installation of metawrap, if so please consult Troubleshooting.

For gcloud usage

If you use the google lifescience ressources you first need to setup a few parameters.

In the nextflow.config you need to change the parameters of gcloud to correspond to your project (line 67 to 78).

    gcloud {  
        //workDir = "/tmp/nextflow-docker_pipelines-$USER"
        process.executor = 'google-lifesciences'
        process.memory = params.memory
        bucketDir = 'gs://bucket/work-dir' // change this to your bucket where you want the workfile to be stored
        google { project = 'project-name-111111'; zone = 'europe-north1-a' } // insert your project ID as well as the zone(s) you want to use
        // you can also use {region = 'europe-north1'} instead of zone
        google.lifeSciences.copyImage = 'google/cloud-sdk:latest'
        google.lifeSciences.preemptible = true
        google.lifeSciences.bootDiskSize = "10GB"
        google.lifeSciences.debug = true
        //includeConfig 'configs/preemptible.config'

You will also have to change the bucket to store the different database in: /modules/ ; /modules/ ; /modules/

To do so just edit the line using your bucket. keep the structure for more clarity (e.g. keep the "/databases-nextflow/sourmash" part).


if (workflow.profile.contains('gcloud')) {publishDir 'gs://gcloud_storage/databases-nextflow/sourmash', mode: 'copy', pattern: "genbank-k31.lca.json.gz" }
if (workflow.profile.contains('gcloud')) {publishDir 'gs://MY_STORAGE/databases-nextflow/sourmash', mode: 'copy', pattern: "genbank-k31.lca.json.gz" }

If you desire run on gcloud without the preemptible parameter activated just edit the line 74 of nextflow.config to false.

For containers usage

If you use containers either docker or singularity, you don't need extra installations.

For usage of software installed locally

You just need to have all the software used in the pipeline (see table above) installed and in your $PATH.

Test the pipeline

To test the pipeline we have a subset of 5 bins available at A detailed explanation of all the parameter is available in Usage, the most important for the test is the profile executor and engine. To run it you just need to add "test" in the -profile parameter e.g.:

#test locally with conda, you need to specify cpus and ram available
nextflow run RVanDamme/MUFFIN --output results_dir  --cpus 8 --memory 32g -profile local,conda,test

#test locally with docker, you can change the cpus and ram in configs/containers.config
# this test also run the transcriptomics analysis with --rna
nextflow run RVanDamme/MUFFIN --output results_dir --rna -profile local,docker,test

#test using gcloud with docker, you can change the cpus and ram in configs/containers.config
# this test use flye instead of spades with the --assembler metaflye
nextflow run RVanDamme/MUFFIN --output results_dir --assembler metaflye -profile gcloud,docker,test

The subset contains also RNA data to test with transcriptomics analysis you just need to activate it using "--rna" The results of the different test run are available at